Traveling the World can be very expensive if you don’t go about it the right way. Many people spend much more money than is ever necessary, because they haven't done the research. Here are six ways to save a lot of your hard earned dollars (or whichever currency you may carry)! 1. Stay in a Hostel ... READ the POST
Top 30 Movies About Travel
1. The Motorcycle Diaries The Motorcycle Diaries is an adaptation of a journal written by Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna when he was 23 years old. He and his friend, Alberto Granado are typical college students who, seeking fun and adventure before graduation, decide to travel across ... READ the POST
East Coast Road Trip : Completing the Cross-Canada Adventure
In February 2010, my best friend and I embarked on an 11 day train trip and Cross Canada Adventure in which we had covered the entirety of Central and Western Canada, and back again. In August of 2010, we decided that it was time to complete the journey by heading to the East Coast, this time, by ... READ the POST
Traveling with my Mother : Happy Mother’s Day!
I never travelled with my family when I was young. We never went on any road-trips across the country or took a vacation overseas. As I got older, I started travelling by myself, far from home. I would spend months at a time alone in foreign countries and return to tell my mom about my ... READ the POST
Shopping on Melrose Avenue
It was a bright and sunny, Sunday morning in August, and all of the shoppers were already out in full force. The side walks were bustling, and the stores were buzzing with the thrill of newly purchased shoes and shirts. The windows were all decorated with fancy mannequins and huge selections of ... READ the POST
11 Days on a Train : A Cross Canada Adventure
In February of 2010 Seattle's Travels embarked on an 11 day train journey, Cross Canada adventure. We started our trip in Toronto, Ontario, and traveled across Northern Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. We made many stops along the way, in places like Winnipeg, ... READ the POST