I tried skiing a couple of times back in the seventh grade, which turned out to be more of a series of dramatic crashes into nearby snow fences.
I didn’t go near a pair of skis for more than ten years after that, and only then was it to make a sad attempt at the safer, and less angled, cross-country skiing. I declared my inability for all things skis and happily made myself cozy inside the lovely lodges of the world.
Imagine my initial horror, at the age of 26, when I was asked if I wanted to go skiing on an upcoming trip to Jasper.
I considered my options; I could spend the day with a stubbourn pout, or I could just suck it up and get in on the action. In the end, there’s very little I won’t try, so I accepted a day on the slopes at Marmot Basin.
Ski School
I pictured a day surrounded by six-year-olds on flat terrain and a great deal of time spent crashing to the ground, and mentally prepared myself for snowy defeat.
Turns out, I was dead wrong.
The warm up training took place on a shallow hill next to the lodge. I was given plenty of instruction and made my first run unscathed. Phew.
Runs after that became easier, and I started to feel comfortable on my newly extended footwear. I learned how to stop quickly, turns left and right, and how to properly bend my knees and lean forward at just the right angle. It was so much easier than I remembered.
The coolest part was the little moving sidewalk that took me back up to the top. As someone essentially new to skiing, I had never seen this before. I felt like I was on the assembly line of pro-skiers in the making.
With only four or five practise runs under my belt, my instructor told me I was ready for the big hill and we set off and up the chair lift.
What is happening? Why aren’t I falling? Oh my God, I can ski?
Surprise and shock overtook me, after all these years of thinking that I couldn’t ski–I couldn’t believe that I was actually doing it. And well, I might add.
I was so happy with the fact that I didn’t tumble off the chair lift, that it took me a moment before I realized that I was finally skiing.
All it took was the idea of letting go of being afraid; I didn’t care if I crashed and I wanted to go faster and faster. I took off down the mountain, drawing wide criss-crosses across the slope, while admiring the mountain landscape in front of me.
I didn’t fall once the whole day (aside from one ridiculous incident in front of the chair lift, haha) and got going pretty quickly by the end.
I became mildly obsessed over the course of the day and I can now see why people get so addicted to this sport.
In the end, I’m probably not going to take up skiing for sport any time soon, but I will most definitely say yes any time an opportunity arises from this point forward, and will look forward to the next one.
Thanks for making a skier out of me, Marmot Basin.
This trip was made possible by Jasper Tourism.
All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Are you a skier?
Good on you for giving it another go Seattle. It’s amazing how our interests and abilities change as we get older. I have never been skiing but would love to one day despite the fact that it scares me.
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Thanks! Yeah, it definitely scared me for all these years too, but it was so worth it to try again. I hope you get a chance to do it soon :]
I haven’t skied either, but this looks like a good way to start. what a view!
From beginning to end….the portraits are just mind blowing and perfectly executed 🙂